Life time for phase control optics. About 3 years under 0 to 40℃ / 5 to 60% humidity. You can buy phase control optics as consumables.
Any objects inVIEW does not work? inVIEW does not work for Mirror nor something with reflection like mirror.
Possible to use under other light sources? Depends. inVIEW does not work under higher intensity than inVIEW. Impossible to use under direct sun light.
Possible working distance 100 to 200mm for standard optics. A bit of adjustment is possible by changing optics design.
Possible to use high speed camera? Basically Yes. This saves inspection time. Need to check camera frequency.
Possible working distance 100 to 200mm for standard optics. A bit of adjustment is possible by changing optics design.
Possible to use high speed camera? Basically Yes. This saves inspection time. Need to check camera frequency.