Automatic visual inspection support
Barriers to automation:

Difficult to recognize objects due to halation of light, therefore image processing takes time.
Even if time and money is spent on image processing, collecting the correct image is difficult.
When PRT is introduced…

Halation in the original image is greatly reduced, and less image processing is necessary!
Image processing can be done faster!
PHASERAY Technology Solutions
PHASERAY Technology is a solution for automobiles, semiconductors, electronic components, pharmaceuticals, food, and other manufacturing industries!
PHASERAY Technology reduces capital expenditure costs.
Support 1 Listening
Please tell us about your visual inspection challenges
・Effective lighting design based on the material and shape of the objects of interest.
・Determine standard flaws and foreign matter.
Support 2 Offer a solution
We design the right lighting for your camera and factory automation requirements.
Support 3 After-sales service
We will support you with maintenance and improvement.